Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pre-treatment #2 update

Hello readers!  How is everyone?  I've been doing great!

I went in for a CBC this past Tuesday and saw the nurse practitioner about my numbers.  She said my counts are doing great!  She even thought I had received a Neulasta shot.  This shot is supposed to improve my white blood count #s in the event they are very very low (usually used so that chemo treatments don't have to be postponed waiting for your immune system to rebuild itself).  I went in for a Lupron shot in my booty (intramuscular shot) on Friday.  This shot effectively shuts down my ovaries and egg production to protect them from the effects of chemo.  My oncologist pushed for this and we discussed it with my fertility specialist while we were doing IVF.  He said that there is no real proof that getting the shot actually reduces chemo's effects, but it doesn't do any harm to get it.  So I'll be getting this shot in my butt every 28 days.  The potential side effects are a sore butt and hot flashes.  So far, I've only experienced the soreness and it feels like I did a lot of squats with only 1 side of my ass.  I'm still waiting for my hair to fall out - so far, nothing's happening.

I've been able to work from home for full work days without getting tired.  It feels great to be productive again rather than being fatigued and just sleeping.  I've gotten visits from my HS best friends :)  It was awesome to catch up with them!  Also had visits from some coworkers and that is always fun!  I saw Kingsman last night (great movie, lots of violence) and we have plans to watch Once (Broadway play) on Sunday.  I feel like a normal person!

My 2nd treatment is scheduled for Tuesday morning.  Adios till then!


  1. Time to do squats with the second side of your ass so the pain is evened out.

    1. haha! I can maybe do at most 1 squat now :( The extreme weight loss (30 lbs in a year) has robbed me of my muscles :\

  2. Wow, was that all from your gluten free diet or is it a combination of that and the chemo diet?
