Saturday, February 21, 2015

Post-Chemo Sesh 1 Days

Howdy!  So the last few days have been unremarkable.  Seriously.  I don't even know what to write about.

I've been logging onto work to try to contribute as much as I can.  That amount has been minimal and I feel out-of-the-loop, but I'm slowly ramping back up.  My energy levels have been okay - I have to take a nap in the middle of the afternoons because I'm just pooped.  I have this super comfortable recliner that I got from my good friend Patricia's stepdad 2 years ago (Thanks John!).  It is the MOST cushion-y comfy best thing ever and that's where I nap.  I love it.  My mom, when she sat in it for the first time, fell asleep in a matter of minutes.  But my mom, as some of you may know, is borderline narcoleptic.  You could be talking to the woman and she'll fall asleep seconds after you finish your sentence.

Other than fatigue, which is the most common side effect that I was warned of, I experience mild nausea every other day.  I take generic Zofran for it and that medicine is amazing.  It's a minty dissolving tablet so I can take it even when I'm like gagging.  It works fast and lasts 8 hours.  Highly recommend.  I've been getting nausea from some of the flowers I've received :(  Poor Damien has been relocating the flowers between the study and the dining table, depending on if I can stand the fragrance that day.

We've also been hyper-aware of my lowered immunity.  Earlier this week, Damien was going into the office for work since his home office setup hadn't yet been finalized.  On Thursday, he went in and one of my coworkers was in discussion with other coworkers about how he was sick.  Damien didn't even get a chance to sit down - he just turned around and left to come home.  We work in an 'open collaborative environment' meaning we're about 2 feet away from everyone else at tables.  No cubes, no offices, germs everywhere.  Coming to work sick is so inconsiderate!  We have unlimited sick time and can work from home pretty easily.  I've been guilty of going to work kinda sick in the past (the pressure to perform, man) so I can't give him that much shit.  I just can't take my immune system for granted anymore!  I'm already basically a hermit and having lowered immunity legitimizes it :D  I go in on Tuesday to get a CBC (complete blood count) so I can see exactly how the chemo has affected my blood numbers.

Texas had its first same-sex marriage this past Thursday!  I think it's wonderful.  In one of their interviews (that I can't find for the life of me), one of the women said something to the effect of there is a difference between being someone's girlfriend/fiancee and someone's wife as you go through life.    Damien and I have been married for about a month now and that sentiment is what made us move to get married so quickly after my diagnosis.  Being my husband gives him the legal rights to make decisions on my behalf that he could not as just my boyfriend or fiance.  It gave us peace of mind to know we're a unit in this together, especially in dealing with this cancer.  It makes me sad to think there are people that cannot go through this process as easily as Damien and I did and who cannot say that their legally-recognized spouse should be in the exam room when severe medical issues arise.

Enough of that!  Happy Chinese New Year everyone!  This is the first year that I'm not getting red envelopes.  no longer an unmarried child, I am.  I also just ordered checks for our joint checking account.  I feel old.


  1. man I know being married during chinese new years is a bummer :(. I'll make sure not to send flowers. When can you get Healthy visitors?

    1. 2 weeks! I have my 2nd treatment this Tuesday, so I should probably be a hermit for a while.

  2. I sympathize with your hermit condition. I've seen my dad less since he started chemo than ever before because Neko is in daycare and is generally a germ bomb. She has a constant runny nose that we think is allergies, but we have to be safe. It really sucks, but I'm grateful for FaceTime. But still, it does't feel right not seeing him personally. I totally agree with your view about the right to marry, and I'm so happy you have a HUSBAND to care for you through this! Even though Dan and I were living together when we got married, and I'm not normally a mushy kind of girl, the morning we woke up after the wedding did feel different. So it's sweet reading how you feel the same.

    1. Your dad calls me 1-2x a week and I can tell he gets stir crazy! He's so funny and fun to talk to. And it's better safe than sorry!

  3. Oh, I didn't know he was calling your on a regular basis. He thinks about you all the time. He calls you more than he calls me!
