Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My ovaries are stubborn

Says my obgyn/reproductive endocrinologist/fertility specialist.  I had another ultrasound to check on the state of my follicles earlier this morning.  The largest one is 12mm which is still too small to consider egg retrieval.  Depending on my blood work results, which we will get later today, we will either cancel this cycle or we will continue with the follicle stimulation hormones (FSH) and recheck on Thursday.  My doctor says it's not hopeless yet, so I feel much better about the situation. However, if we continue, I will have to push chemo back until next week.

I think the FSH drugs are making me emotional beyond what I normally am.  Yesterday, my laptop got wet and I tried to remove the motherboard to thoroughly dry it.. All the meanwhile sobbing my eyes out.  I really liked my laptop and it was a gift from Damien 2 years ago and now it's dead!  Seems like a good reason to bawl, right?  (Answer: no, it's just a laptop). Today, I cried about the fact that I was crying too much.  Seriously. 

I did get to see some good friends yesterday and received some very thoughtful care packages the last few days.  Of course, that made me cry with happiness.  I love you guys!  I have a hard time dealing with all the attention but I really do appreciate it. 

My parents are currently driving down from Dallas.  I can't wait to see them and eat my mom's cooking before chemo starts.  I know they're excited to see me as a married woman (hah) and their new son-in-law.  My dad made sure to stop by Bistro B to get a ridiculous number of egg rolls (like 40 of 'em) just for Damien before they left this morning. 


  1. I hope your time with your parents goes well. Crying about crying is totally a thing, it's okay! Thinking about your often <3

    1. Thanks Kari! I'm learning to accept the random emotional outbursts and not feel ashsmed.

  2. You can cry for whatever reason you want to! Love the updates and wished you included more of how you feel about what youre going through instead of what I did today update :D. JK do what you want KP!
