Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chemo #1 of Cycle #1 scheduled!

I scheduled my 1st chemo treatment for Monday, February 16th at 9AM!  This will timebox the fertility stuff but as my MIL told me today: there are other options [for having kids], but getting you well is NOT an option.

The nurse said my first session would take 4 - 5 hours since they take it slower and check for med allergies.  She told me to be sure to eat breakfast beforehand.

I'm in full-on anticipation anxiety - ready to get started but scared about the experience.  I'm curious about the whole process but would rather not go through it myself to find out more. 

Today was another rough day for nausea and eating.  The ondansetron prevents the nausea feeling but then I throw up with barely any warning.  My mom has been good about making me broth and prompting me to eat.  Damien's been researching nausea ad nauseam (hah!) and has been educating me.  I am to eat little meals every 2 hours consisting of bland foods (bananas, applesauce, rice, toast, clear broth) and don't lie down after eating. 

I received 2 more greeting cards from my Austin and Cary coworkers.  The messages were so uplifting and kind.  It is so encouraging to have people take a little time out of their day to write a little note.  I'm a sap!  The VP of Engineering, along with the QA automation manager and a sysadmin, also made me a "dance" video which I laughed my ass off at.  My coworkers are pretty awesome :)

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