Thursday, March 26, 2015

Post Chemo #3

Man, this last chemo hit me worse than the other ones.  I was wiped out Friday afternoon through Tuesday.  I slept all weekend and only woke to eat and watch Divergent (I thought the movie was better than the book and I kinda want to watch Insurgent now).  I felt so fatigued and unmotivated, which then makes me feel bad about everything because I'm usually content doing just about anything.  I had some periods of restless arm syndrome where my arms from my elbow to my shoulder had this sensation that's hard to describe.  I just had to move them because that feeling was driving me nuts.  You can just imagine me flapping my arms on the couch because that's literally what I did hah.  The feeling would go away after like 20 minutes, THANK GOODNESS.  I'm finally feeling normal again today (5 days post-treatment).  My parents came down Monday and my mom, of course, tries to feed me every hour.  But I'm not complaining because I've gotten some awesome home cooked meals out of this, score!  Also, my mom loves to clean and my dad loves to fix things, so I'm winning all around.  They're also my new walking buddies during the day.  The weather's been wonderful lately in Austin, so I've been taking walks after breakfast the last 2 days. 

Oh, some goodish news - the results from the pulmonary function test that I took after chemo #2 shows no decline in my lung function (one of the side effects of bleomycin). 

Some not-so-goodish news - the rate at which my hair is falling out has increased.  Time to bite the bullet and buzz it off! 


  1. Boo feeling weak! I hope the next sessions aren't as bad and you won't feel poopy.
    Yay for lung functions! I hear they're very good when used recursively.
    As for your hair falling out, knit more hats!
