Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chemo #2!

Hello again!  I had my 2nd chemo treatment yesterday and that's the last one for my 1st cycle!  Time kinda flies and is slow as balls when you have cancer.  This session was half as long as the first one and only took 2 hours.  I didn't fall asleep this time but the pre-meds did make me drowsy.  I watched last week's episode of Grey's Anatomy and continued to knit myself a hat.

I went in for the Neulasta shot today and it was .. Okay.  The shot stings, burns, and feels like it takes 5 minutes to inject.  The nurse took it slowly to minimize the burning but it still sucked.  I'm supposed to take Claritin and ibuprofen to help with the side effect of bone pain.  Bone pain!  Sounds terrifying. I haven't really felt it yet so maybe the Claritin is helping.

I was able to go to Costco today with my parents to do some grocery shopping.  I took it easy and rode around in a disabled cart with a giant basket in the front.  I also rode around with a face mask on.  People got out of my way very quickly.  Those things have a surprisingly tight turning radius.  And those things could really do with a horn of some fashion because people walk soooo slow!

My hair is starting to fall out in larger quantities than my normal shedding.  Normal shedding is like 1-2 strands per hand-run-through.  Now it's more like 5-6 strands.  And I've got scalp pain that feels like I'm parting my hair the wrong way all the time.  It's not that bad of a pain.. Just annoying.

In happier news, my sister is coming to town this weekend and my brother might drive down!  And my parents are already here so it'll be a family reunion, yay!


  1. Let's hope my plane doesn't get delayed...either way, see you tomorrow, sissy! <3

  2. I can totally imagine what you mean when you describe that weird scalp pain! Post pregnancy I lost so much hair--it's really weird to have so many strands fall out each time your run your hands through your hair or take a shower. I didn't know that was a post pregnancy thing, but now I know why many women get a pixie or a bob after having a baby.
