At the end of that video, she says my head is really small. Here's a time lapse one of the process. The yellow towel unintentionally makes me look like a monk haha
I like it! I won't have to deal with hair during the hot Texas summer, so yay!
In January 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This is a blog about my battle. I'm going to turn into a blog about me kicking ass and winning.
A video posted by Karen (@thekaren) on
Man, this last chemo hit me worse than the other ones. I was wiped out Friday afternoon through Tuesday. I slept all weekend and only woke to eat and watch Divergent (I thought the movie was better than the book and I kinda want to watch Insurgent now). I felt so fatigued and unmotivated, which then makes me feel bad about everything because I'm usually content doing just about anything. I had some periods of restless arm syndrome where my arms from my elbow to my shoulder had this sensation that's hard to describe. I just had to move them because that feeling was driving me nuts. You can just imagine me flapping my arms on the couch because that's literally what I did hah. The feeling would go away after like 20 minutes, THANK GOODNESS. I'm finally feeling normal again today (5 days post-treatment). My parents came down Monday and my mom, of course, tries to feed me every hour. But I'm not complaining because I've gotten some awesome home cooked meals out of this, score! Also, my mom loves to clean and my dad loves to fix things, so I'm winning all around. They're also my new walking buddies during the day. The weather's been wonderful lately in Austin, so I've been taking walks after breakfast the last 2 days.
Oh, some goodish news - the results from the pulmonary function test that I took after chemo #2 shows no decline in my lung function (one of the side effects of bleomycin).
Some not-so-goodish news - the rate at which my hair is falling out has increased. Time to bite the bullet and buzz it off!
A photo posted by Karen (@thekaren) on
A photo posted by Karen (@thekaren) on
A photo posted by Karen (@thekaren) on
Nooo, I'm not drunk haha. In fact, I haven't drank since before New Years Eve. I've been overwhelmed by all the outreach and kind words and prayers and gifts that Damien and I have received over the last 2 months. I'm going to cry just thinking about it. I feel so so so lucky to have so much support and love around me.
A photo posted by @_peggyp on
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Finished beanie. |
A photo posted by @_peggyp on
My hair is falling out in bigger clumps now and I wore a hat for most of the day to .. catch it. Seeing loose hair really grosses me out (apparently, that's just a me thing). I showered, started washing my hair, and had strands upon strands just come out in my hand. It was a bit traumatic (and I'm a bit dramatic). I cried in the shower and then I cried to Damien, my sister and my mom. I don't want to look sick even though I am. Peggy said I'll be fine because I at least don't have a man-face. Aww thanks Peggy :)
And after all that, I still had to tweeze my brows. I'll be REALLY sad when those go.
Hello again! I had my 2nd chemo treatment yesterday and that's the last one for my 1st cycle! Time kinda flies and is slow as balls when you have cancer. This session was half as long as the first one and only took 2 hours. I didn't fall asleep this time but the pre-meds did make me drowsy. I watched last week's episode of Grey's Anatomy and continued to knit myself a hat.
I went in for the Neulasta shot today and it was .. Okay. The shot stings, burns, and feels like it takes 5 minutes to inject. The nurse took it slowly to minimize the burning but it still sucked. I'm supposed to take Claritin and ibuprofen to help with the side effect of bone pain. Bone pain! Sounds terrifying. I haven't really felt it yet so maybe the Claritin is helping.
I was able to go to Costco today with my parents to do some grocery shopping. I took it easy and rode around in a disabled cart with a giant basket in the front. I also rode around with a face mask on. People got out of my way very quickly. Those things have a surprisingly tight turning radius. And those things could really do with a horn of some fashion because people walk soooo slow!
My hair is starting to fall out in larger quantities than my normal shedding. Normal shedding is like 1-2 strands per hand-run-through. Now it's more like 5-6 strands. And I've got scalp pain that feels like I'm parting my hair the wrong way all the time. It's not that bad of a pain.. Just annoying.
In happier news, my sister is coming to town this weekend and my brother might drive down! And my parents are already here so it'll be a family reunion, yay!