Wednesday, July 22, 2015

6-month cancer-versary/anniversary

Sunday, 7/19, was the 6 month anniversary of my diagnosis. It feels like so long ago! Since then, I've been living life in 2-week cycles, but that's about to end! My last chemo is this Friday!! 😁🙌👍👐👏👏 my white blood count is low again so I'm getting 3 Neupogen shots again this week (I'm actually going to be late to the appointment because I'm sitting here writing this instead of driving through rush hour to the hospital). Whatever it takes to get me to the finish line.

The future is still uncertain. When is my next PET? What's it going to show? Do I need radiation? When do I get my port taken out? Why is my hair so grey now? (that one is not that mysterious actually) What if the cancer comes back? How do I deal with that back-of-the-mind fear enough to live a normal life? How's my fertility going to be affected? (hey ovaries, how YOU doing?) What short hairstyles am I going to try to rock?

You know, the usual questions about the future.

Monday 7/20 was my 6 month wedding anniversary! There's a certainty in my life and that's Damien. He's been a wonderful caretaker and puts me miles ahead of himself. He actually just kinda yelled at me about making sure I eat and said I "can't use my butt fat to create blood cells" because I have enough fat to live off of for a few days. Joking aside, you don't have to worry about me not eating. I'm not starving myself and I'm +20 lbs since my diagnosis.

Alright, I have procrastinated rush hour driving enough..

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