Monday, August 3, 2015

No more chemo!

I. Am. Done. With. Chemo.

Let that sink in.

I just finished 6 cycles of ABVD chemotherapy.


Wow wee wah!

My last chemo was Friday 7/24. It started like any normal chemo day and ended with me ringing the giant bell that signals the end of chemo. I hugged all the nurses and techs and shed a few tears. I had seen these people every week for 6 months and now, abruptly, I'm done. It was/is surreal! I slept and played Borderlands Friday through Monday. It was rough though. I got a new low in feeling bad - it was the most tired I had ever been. I had 0 energy and just wanted to sleep nonstop. I finally became lucid Monday and realized I was done with chemo. Oh man, the emotions. I cried tears of joy. The whole chemo experience was so hard and I had made it through. I felt amazing. It definitely got really hard towards the end but I did it!!!

I have been slacking off in the walking/running department. The fatigue and dizziness lasted for a week after chemo so walking then out of the question. The rest of the time, I took it easy and just walked around the neighborhood. I'm not gonna make my goal of running a mile by my 30th birthday :( it's still a goal of mine but I realized I have to slowly rebuild. This experience has brought me lower than I imagined it would and I can't jump back in 100% yet. One day though! I will get back there.

I have a PET scan tomorrow to see the current state of Karen. Will update again when I know more!