Sunday, January 25, 2015

Allow me to introduce myself

Tada, I made a blog!  This is intended to keep friends, family, and internet strangers updated on my fight against cancer and for me to keep a journal for myself.  Everyone knows my memory sucks!

(Ding dong) Hello! My name is Karen Phan. I am 29 years old and live in Austin, TX with my SO, Damien, our maltipoo (Tesla), and our 2 cats (Volta and Kilby).  I'm a QA engineer for a company that does online advertising software.  I like to knit and watch TV and read internet things.  I was just diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

I'm not a good writer by any means. I like short sentences and I don't like using pronouns.  I also am pretty terrible at keeping up with online journals (I've got a neglected livejournal, xanga, Tumblr, and another blogspot blog). But you, dear reader, can ensure that I continue my updates by commenting and getting my ass in gear. 

Intro over! 

P.S. The Blogger android app keeps FCing when I try to attach a pic to the post. Nexus 7, Android 5.0.1. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your cancer but am eagerly waiting to hear how your treatment goes! Sources tell me that Hodgkin's Lymphoma is very treatable and I can't wait to read the blog post about when you're 100% cancer free!
