Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Chemo de Mayo!

I wish I could take credit for that title, but I can't. A friend said that to me this morning and now I have to write a post before Cinco de Mayo is over. 

Chemo #6 was this past Friday and I'm officially halfway done!! Only 6 more chemo treatments to go! 

The side effects this time are worse and more long-lasting. They include some gnarly hot flashes, wibbly-wobbly dizziness, and constant nausea (no cute adjective there because nausea ain't cute). My usual go-to of Zofran hasn't been cutting it. My next option is to take Phenergan which just knocks me the eff out. That's one way of dealing with it hah. I've been resisting taking it because I actually like being productive during my days. I couldn't do my usual stare-at-my-succulents for an hour thing during the day because a wasp has built not one, but 2, nests under the 2nd floor balcony and was busy tending to them.  Seriously, who needs that much real estate? 

Last week, my Uncle Tony and Aunt Bonnie and her husband Anthony came to visit from New England. This week, my in-laws are here! Yay visitors!!

Now pictures.

A photo posted by Karen (@thekaren) on


  1. Hang in there KP. Half way there, downhill from here ( easy for me to say, huh?). Everyone I know is pulling for you.
