Saturday, May 16, 2015

Chemo #7

Guess who's back, back again. Karen's back, tell a friend! 

Chemo #7 was yesterday and it was uneventful! When you have cancer, you want everyday to be uneventful. I don't want medical surprises.. I just want to get through this, get through chemo, and know there's nothing malignant in my body anymore. 

I met another young person at chemo yesterday. He's also 29 and has a germ cell tumor in his chest and actually went to the same cardiothoracic surgeon I did around the same time I did earlier this year. The surgeon mentioned to him that he had seen a young female patient just a week before who had a mass in her chest like his. When I told him my symptoms, he realized the surgeon was taking about me. Small world! His chemo regimen is way more intense than mine.. 3 week cycles - week 1 and week 2 Mondays last 7 hours and week 3 is Monday through Friday, 5 hours each. My regimen is every other Friday and it only lasts 3 hours. He says it's curable and he should be done in July. I'm rooting for him! 

I feel incredibly lucky - even though I've been dealt the shit hand of cancer, it's one that's curable. I have lots of support and not a lot of stress. I dread going to chemo because of the side effects, but they could be worse! My hair hasn't completely fallen out and my brows are still there! I have nausea but I haven't thrown up. My appetite is good. My anemia is non-existent. My succulents haven't died. I got married and gained an incredibly supportive and hilarious family.  Life is pretty good!

I'm getting overly mushy now.  I love you guys

A photo posted by Karen (@thekaren) on

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