Thursday, October 6, 2016

1 year since treatment!

Hello! I'm still here! It's been a long while, I know. Life has gone back to normal!

A year ago, I definitely couldn't see what life would be like now. It's the 1 year anniversary of the end of treatment (radiation, to be specific)! I've had 2 PET scans since January and they've both looked very good. The clump of scar tissue has shrunk even further and there has been no increase in uptake indicating badness. My oncologist won't use the words "cancer free" but he tells me it's a great thing that there's been no increase in activity. My next PET is sometime in December. I'm going to a 6-month cycle for scans! I see my oncologist every 3 months. I still have my port in.. Just in case. That surgery to put it in was a bitch (my phone keeps autocorrecting "bitch" to "bit challenging". Stahp, phone) and I still have that fear in the back of my mind about recurrence. It's been no bother and makes getting my biannual Zometa infusion a snap. I do have to get it flushed every 6 weeks but that takes the nurses a literal minute.

But really, I hardly think of cancer now. My life is filled with my husband, my family, my friends and work. Oh, and Luke Cage. I've been incredibly lucky and loved and my life is awesome.

I have attached of pic of me and hubby and we are incapable of taking normal pics.

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