Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I'm thankful for modern medicine and what's it has done for me in the last 11 months. I'm thankful for my husband who's been by my side through the whole cancer shittiness and continues to be my mind reader and best friend. I'm thankful for my family who have spent so much time making me comfortable through all this. I'm grateful for my in-laws who check up on me and send frequent words of encouragement. I'm thankful for my friends who think of me, support me with their messages, and allow me to do normal people things with them. I'm thankful that treatment is over and life is resuming!

I had my post-treatment PET/CT scan this past Monday 11/23.  This scan comes 4 months after the end of chemo (7/24) and 1.5 months after the end of radiation (10/5).  I'm not sure what to really expect out of this. Obviously I'm hoping for a clean scan, but my radiation oncologist had said that "it takes time for the radiation to work."  what does that mean?!  I asked him what he thought the PET scan might show and he dodged the question. I mean, he's not a psychic so I get why he did that. My medical oncologist wanted a scan a month after radiation ended, so that's what we did. I went through the same old spiel with the radioactive tracer and the contrast being injected in me. I could actually feel the contrast flow through my body. Extremely weird. This is the stuff that makes me flush and feel warm. It started in the back of my throat like I had ingested hot water. Then my belly got hot and the heat went through my arms to my hands and fingers. It flowed to my pelvis and made me feel like I had wet myself. I instinctly tried to reach down to make sure I hadn't actually peed on myself but they had strapped my arms down hah. Then the heat went down my legs and into my soles. It was like a slow moving hot flash that lasted 30 seconds. I of course fell asleep inside the scanner because I was in there for 30 minutes and the whirring noise is so comforting. I even woke myself up a few times snoring.

We won't get results for another 1.5 weeks because we'll be going on vacation!!

We're going to Boston this next week to do touristy things and dive into history. It'll be COLD. Ever since I lost all that weight (30 lbs) due to cancer and nausea from  fertility treatments, I've been so susceptible to shivering and being flat out miserable in the cold. However, I've gained 25 of those pounds back, so I might be in better shape... Who knows. I'm still preparing for extreme cold (which will be like 40 degrees really). It'll be our first vacation in over a year so we're really excited to get away.

I'll update soon with results and Boston pics!

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